Makeup by Annie
Rosie got a REAL (as opposed to the fake ones I've bought her plenty of in the past. haha!) makeup set for her birthday, and, well, Annie is all about that YOLO-ness when she's at school busting into it to make herself pretttttyyyyy.
I mean, how freaking sweet is she?!?!
She was just beaming getting to do her own makeup (and allllll the makeup everywhere! Lipstick and lipgloss and eye shadow and blush galore!) and would have kept going doing it for hours and hours if I let her.
I was actually sitting editing photos and noticed her doing this so I quickly hit pause on those and got out my camera and snapped some pics of this princess making herself up.
I am so biased but this is like the cutest thing I've ever seen. I hope this brought a smile to your day as much as it did mine!