Teddy at 2 Months
Holy CATS. I blinked. Because all of a sudden our little Teddy Bear is TWO whole months old! HOWWWWW did this happen so fast?!??!
I swear, this keeps going faster and faster and I cannot handle it. This past Monday he turned 8 weeks old and BAM! Here we are celebrating his 2 month birthday AND tomorrow will be his baptism! I cannot freaking believe it!
Of course I had to snap some pics of him in his cute Swanky Shank monthly onesie...goodness he is changing so much just since his 1 month birthday!!
Gosh he's so darn cute!
AND, had to do this one at 6 weeks since I did something similar with Rosie and Annie...
We don't head back to the doc for his 2 month checkup for like 2 weeks (UGH!! I hate waiting that long!), so you'll have to deal with the mom stats for now.
And I know how much you love these mom stats, huh?!?! haha!!
- Teddy weighs 11 pounds 8 ounces and I'm guessing is 23 or 24 inches long...we'll find out in a couple weeks at his 2 month checkup!
- Still wears mostly 0-3 and some 3 month clothes. Our petite little guy! That 2 week RSV bug totally set some weight gain back and I feel like he's just now back gaining (after losing like 10 ounces!)
- Battled RSV and WON. But gosh, that was an experience I hope and pray we never EVER have to experience that again cause it was awful. It took Teddy a solid 2 weeks from first symptoms to last cough to get back to himself and I am SO GLAD he's back but also DO NOT EVER want him (or anyone!) to have to go through that again. It suckeddddddd.
- Is getting so much better holding his head up! He loves to look around and if there's anything with lights or bright colors it holds his attention for hours it seems.
- His ear is alllllll fixed! I mean, not perfect by any means but the two rounds of ear molds we did worked magic and it looks sooooo much better which is amazing. I think he's happy to have that off of his ear/and head too.
- Sleeps 5-7 hour stretches at night. We try and lay him down around 9ish and he usually gives us a sold 5-7 hour stretch right off the bat, eats, then usually another 3-4 hour one before he's up for the day. I think he's HOPEFULLY on his way to being a great sleeper like his big siblings!
- Starting to smile more...I think the RSV thing put him back on this cause he felt so crummy for 2 weeks, but we're definitely getting more and more little smiles from our dude and it is THE BEST!
- Teddy is still in the bassinet in our room...and probably will be till he's doing closer to 8-10 hour stretches before he bunks up with Patrick (who wants him in his room like ASAP! haha). Since he's our last I'm in no hurry to get him out of our room. He's actually in a little nook outside of the bathroom/closet that we have a door separating from our room so he's in his own space. Having the Owlet monitor has been a LIFESAVER (and I have the Owlet camera coming too) so that's great peace of mind since we can't see him. That also came in so handy when he had RSV too.
- Still has a bit of torticollis on his right side that we're trying to work out -- he favors this side a ton when he's lying down so we've been working hard on that getting it to stretch out and hopefully work itself out on its own so he doesn't need any physical therapy.
- After his RSV bout he's stopped the grunting (woooooot!) and no longer needs the gas drops. WOOT!
- Is a ravenous little eater -- loves to nurse, but also takes a bottle no problem which is awesome since I'm back to snappin' and have already snapped a birth which makes me gone for extended periods of time. Thank goodness he's so good with that!
- Loves to be worn in the ring sling or Tula. Usually falls right asleep -- and if we go anywhere (grocery store, Target, etc...) up he goes in the carrier and he really loves it!
- Prefers to be held but is totally fine sitting down too. Is definitely the happiest in the morning and gives the most smiles and such then...my favorite time of the day with him.
- Has the prettiest, ocean-blue eyes EVER! Praying they stay...they look different than Rosie's blue eyes at 2 months, so I am really hoping he's our one kid who holds onto those baby blues!
- Is a super chill, super observant baby -- way more than I remember any of the others being! He's been mister serious until recently with giving up some smiles and I really hope they stick around and become more frequent! I just love seeing them!
And now, my favorite part: the comparison shots!
Andddd finally, all of the babes at 2 months old! Goodness how similarly different they all look! HAHA!
Welp friends, that's about all I've got for Teddy Bear's update. It's been a wild month -- with lots of firsts and some firsts I hope are lasts because (cough cough PICU stay) I hope we never ever have to repeat them with Teddy...or heck any of the kids! Until 3 months friends, adios!