20 Weeks 🌈
Okie dokie, you all got a mid-week update last week after my 19w2d anatomy scan, so this post really doesn't have anything super duper exciting in it...other than we hit 20 weeks! WOOT!
And, big thing happened last Friday: Dr. Jen's office called and my c-section has been officially set for November 4th! I'll be 37 weeks exactly and I am SO EXCITED to have that set and in my sights! Over halfway done...and just 17 weeks to go from today! WOOOOOOT!!
So I have definitely been feeling this kiddo more and more the past few days which is SUCH a welcomed feeling, because I so remember at this point with Clark not feeling anything and hoping and praying I'd get to feel him move before he was born (I don't think I ever did...such a ugh feeling and memory). At 19w2d with Clark is where we got the worst news of our lives, and I am so glad this kiddo wasn't a repeat of that. I truly feel like Clark is keeping a close watch over this little one for us :) Because as soon as I posted this update I saw the biggest rainbow outside that night and I am CONVINCED it was Clark smiling down on us and his new sibling he hand-picked for us.
Other than that, feeling pretty good, just BIG! Haha! Still surreal that we are over halfway done cooking this kid and in less than 4 months...just 6 days after Clark's 1st birthday we'll meet this kiddo! I CANNOT CANNOT WAIT.
Welp friends, that's all I've got for 20 weeks! Until 21, adios!!!