
This new GoPro has definitely been a freaking awesome addition to my snappin' arsenal and the most PERFECT toy to bring on all of our pool adventures!

So basically this post is a gigantic photo dump of some GoPro snappies from the past few days at the pool.

First off, I want to start with this video...

Annie girl got a hold of my GoPro and recorded for a minute or so and it's kinda the cutest thing ever.  Also shows how freaking fearless this kid is because HOLY WATER LOVER and she looooooves going under the water and is just as happy as can be when she does it.

And now that she's walking all over the place she doesn't want to hold my hand or anything in the pool and just wants to walk and do it on her own...which she is not as steady as she could be so PLOP in she goes and under she goes!  But clearly, as you can see above, she is super happy about that.  Haha!

The kids slides at the pool are just perfect for the kiddos.  Annie actually knows how to get up and go down the slide (on her butt!) all by herself which is super impressive.  Girlfriend sure loves to slide!

Not a GoPro video but I had to include it cause Ro is just so funny.

Okay!  So that's about it.  Nice little GoPro photodump of oodles of pool pics from the past few days.  Golly, these summer days feel so good and I hope they stay around a bit longer cause I am so not ready to get back into the school swing of things!

Anyways, happy Tuesday friends!  Hope you have a great rest of your week!

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