
That, my friends, is macro extension tubing for my 85mm prime lens -- it basically turns my lens into a macro lens!

Macro lenses are EXPENSIVE.  And I really don't have a great need for them...but they are so nice to have for fresh 48s and newborn sessions, which I have a few of those coming up!  My awesome friend Tiff (from Terry Farms Photography, who, side note, we talk at least 50 times a day it seems about any and all things photo related!) told me about her hack to make her 50mm lens a macro lens and I decided to give it a whirl too...because a $30 extender is a whole heckuva lot cheaper than a $700+ macro lens!

I played around a bit yesterday with it (as ^^ Patrick lovingly captured on his iPhone) and oh what fun it is!  It definitely takes a bit of playing and getting use to with my settings and focal was not easy that I was trying to snap Annie who is as wiggly as can be now and did not want to sit still so I could focus...but I think I got a few good snaps of her!

Aren't those adorable?!! I also got a few snaps of my own hands as well which was kinda fun too.  And lordie are they wrinkly!! Haha!

So yeah, it's a fun new little toy that I cannot wait to put into use with some fresh babes oh-so-soon!

Anddddd, while I've got you here...lemme dump some other pics I snapped of the kiddos too for you to see because they're just adorable, aren't they?!

And lastly I'll leave you with some oh-so-cute matching jammy pics...that I totally went back and bought Scoots a pair of these too JUST for picture purposes.  JUDGE AWAY!!!

Have a great one friends!!

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