36 Weeks 🌈


ONE WEEKKKKKKKK!!! Seriously guys.  I am borderline freaking out.  A week from now we will be enroute to the hospital to meet this little rainbow and I CANNOT FREAKING BELIEVE IT.

I posted on Saturday about how we just had 9 sleeps to go and all of the anxieties and excitements that come along with that.

I had an appointment last week (my second to last one with my OB) and she was asking how my anxiety was and movements and such.  And honestly, it's so crazy and out of control.  But I know it's in my head, even though I cannot shake this horrible anxiety that something is going to go wrong, but it's definitely there and revving up even more so with this week to go. GAHHHH!  I keep saying I hope it flies by and truly I'm sure it will...I have a crazy jam-packed last week before baby day with shoots and newborns and a million kid activities that I am sure hoping make it saillllllll by.  I'm sure a few weeks from now I'll be writing about how fast it's going and I want time to slow down to savor this last baby and gahhhh! So funny how back and forth things are with time and the movement of it, isn't it?!

Other than that, I am actually feeling pretty good.  I had my last prenatal massage this week (OMG heavenly.) and it was just WONDERFUL.  I don't really have any back or pain anywhere (like I know I complained about it prior pregnancies) and I haven't gained any weight in several weeks.  I truly think all of the movement and such from photoshoots is keeping me as 'active' as I possibly could be at 9 months pregnant!

Mike and I ventured out to my aunt's annual Halloween party and I got to wear my skeleton baby shirt for the fifth (and probably last!) time...so a little nostalgic with that.  Heck I'll probably throw it on on Thursday for trick-or-treating too.

I will say tomorrow (Clark's birthday) is weighing heavily on my mind...trying to really focus on celebrating our boy tomorrow and the GOOD he's brought...because with stillbirth there is so much sadness and grief, but you can find good in it too and I've really been trying to find that.

Other than that, not much else to report for week 36!  Just a boring, busy post riddled with mirror selfies for ya!  But I've only got one more (spoiler: I'm gonna write it the night before and publish it enroute to my c-section!!) post for this pregnancy and then SO MUCH BABY SPAM coming your way!  GET READY MY FRIENDS!  And also hit the fast-forward button on the next week please :) Until week 37 (fulllll term!): adios!

Current Gender Prediction?BOY
Baby is the size of...Movie Popcorn
Cravings?Pizza rolls with ice cold chocolate milk
Rings on or off?OFF. boo hiss. see you in November.
Movement?Tons...a lot of little subtle movements here and there
Linea Nigra?(still) supppppper faint bellow and above belly button

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