2 Things...

First thing: how freaking cute are the kiddos all in their matching June & January outfits on the couch?!  Scooter is such a good sport, as always.  And Annie even cracked a smile in a pic too which is not easy for her to do on command (yet!) because she usually is over OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING?!!! faced around her big siblings because they're usually being crazy and loud and she is overwhelmed at all of the excitement.

Second thing: in the past week I've gotten to snap 2 births and holy cats.  They.are.incredible.  Seriously.  Each one is just so magical and amazing and incredible and I could go on and on with a zillion descriptive words to describe them, but yeah, they are freaking awesome.  I feel so honored each and every one I get asked to capture and I hope the pics I take are lasting forever memories for the parents and something that they'll always cherish...I mean, I sure do with Annie's!

Anywho, I wanted to share a few of my favorite snaps from the birth I snapped early Monday morning (you can check out even more here!) and just celebrate how amazing these birth stories are to capture and that I hope I have many MANY more to snap in my future!  As I tell all of my potential clients -- especially birth ones -- you'll never regret having pictures taken.  And gosh, if that isn't 110% the truth always!

Have a good one friends!

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