15 weeks.

15 weeks today!  Holy cow, only 24ish weeks left to go!  This is going by so.darn.fast.  I cannot believe it.  I seriously feel like it was just yesterday we found out #2 was a'comin' and now I'm a couple weeks into my second trimester!  Yee haw!

So I am definitely, totally, 100% feeling SO MUCH BETTER.  Like feeling like my old self, albeit with a tad bigger belly.  I think I can safely say the morning sickness/nausea is officially gone, and I am SO HAPPY about that!  I still don't have the ravenous pregnancy appetite I remember experiencing from week 5 on last go'round--I mean, don't get me wrong, I get HUNGRY, but nothing compared to how I remember feeling last time.  Actually, a lot of times when I eat and I'm really hungry I'll take a few bites and then feel incredibly full, which is something new again that I didn't experience last time (last time, if my memory serves me correctly, I literally was hungry ALL THE TIME and could not stop eating anything and everything that was put in front of me!).  Shockingly (to me), I still haven't gained any weight.  Again, crazy, because I know I was up at least 15-20 pounds by this point last time.  I do have my 15 week check-up at the doc tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to that!  I have a sleuth of questions for my doctor (not really, but more so I want her to look at my chart from last time so I can compare stuff from this time to!).  My next appointment after tomorrow will be the 20 week ultrasound/anatomy scan one!  Although most people count down to that "gender finding out" appointment, we definitely aren't...but we are excited to see how our little one has grown since week 7's ultrasound and make sure he/she is all snug and healthy in there.

Not much exciting happening this week--yes, boring snooze-fest here.  Feeling so much better has definitely helped my mood and attitude!  And, although I'm always tired, I definitely have yet to feel that extreme fatigue I very vividly remember having with Patrick last time--so that's good.

Until next week...here's hoping week 15 stays on this feelin' good track!

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