My Little Fish

My buddy Tiff was telling me all about how her kiddo Huck is in a swim class--Aqua Babies.  I have always said there are two things I do NOT want my kids to be fearful of: animals and the water.  Side note: I think we've already accomplished no fear of animals: Patrick loves every single animal creature that comes by him!  After we were talking about it, and her telling me how great it is, I decided to see if I could get Patrick swimming too.  After some searching around, and recommendations from friends, we landed ourselves at Little Fishes Swim School.

Last week was our first "swimming" attempt.  I really didn't know what to expect, other than hoping that Patrick's love for bath time was a sign that he'd love the bigger bathtub we were about to toss him into.

I decided to swim with him this first time and have Mike snap some pics.  Again, I didn't know what to expect, just hoping (and praying!) that he's love of the water wasn't solely for his big yellow duck tub.

Luckily, my intuitions were right and he LOVED it!  Okay, he didn't "love" it, I mean, he never cracked his stern, game-face face, but he surely never cried or even frowned, so in mom-terms, that means he loved it.  He even went under water like 10 times!  {proud momma}

We had our second swim school last night and he seemed even more comfortable with the water than he did our first time.  This time, Mike elected to swim with him so I could snap some pics (I brought my big camera with my telescopic lens so I could get some better and closer pics than the iPhone can get).  Patrick did awesome again; he went under water probably twice as much as he did his first time, got to "slide" off of a mat, and practiced kicking while hunting down duckies in the pool.

Hopefully our swim school classes will continue to go well and my little man will love the water more and more each time!

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